  • 0732 998899
  • info@entwined.co.ke

What Can We Offer You

•We have clear campaign goals for our media which are aligned with our business objectives
•We use data to inform the digital media channels we will use to reach our audience.
•We utilize targeting techniques in our media in order to hone in on key demographics while eliminating waste.
•We have consistent cross-channel messaging designed to engage our customers.

•We use a management and/or analysis platform to manage, track and optimize various channels.
•We employ varying tracking methods for measuring success of branding vs. direct response campaigns.
•We leverage technology to combine sales performance with online media data in order to calculate as a result of our paid media.

•We know which keywords and media placements are most profitable for our business.
•We understand which landing pages, ad messages and creative themes resonate best with our target audience.
•We know how site visitors from paid media behave compared to other site visitors and how to leverage that knowledge.
•We understand which internal and external factors may impact our online media and are able to react in real-time.

•We understand the purpose of digital media channels in the consumer purchase-journey.
•We share insights and trends across channels to maximize performance.
•We know how online media influences offline actions such as phone calls, in-store purchases and other relevant business outcomes.

•We shift investment towards the channels that are driving the most efficient conversations and business goal achievement.
•We set performance benchmarks for any testing and ensure outcomes are in line with those expectations.
•We ensure media plans are flexible and allow us to be both campaign results and new opportunities.